Tuesday, November 1, 2011

D.veloped: Music mixer and fanatic

D.veloped, also known as DJ D.veloped, is a mashup artist originally from Wilmington, NC who is quickly gaining popularity outisde of the south. He is currently 23 and residing in Raleigh, NC. He "masters" the flow of his mashup, and his music is produced. He describes his music as "A melodic arrangement of numerous eclectic instrumentals and vocal samples."

With over 50 different events and locations in NC over the past 3 years, D.veloped has made his way through house, fraternity, and sorority parties. "Since then I have DJ'ed in Arkansas and Tennessee," said D.veloped. He has two shows coming up; one in Arkansas, and the other at Mississippi State University. D.veloped also mentioned that there are about 10 more potential shows along the south and southeast. So far, his newest collaboartion with Basic Physics "Turnin' Tricks for Treats" is his first. He said he plans to do more in the future.

His music career began D.veloped's senior year of high school when his friend showed him some music programs. D.veloped began putting together music when he saw what other people were doing. He said one of his first mixes was artists Young Buck and Allman Brothers, Notorious B.I.G. and the song "Bittersweet Symphony."
"I had some friends that really enjoyed the tracks so I started putting in a little bit more time. Didnt really know where I would take it. Now I am here," said D.veloped.

Some of D.veloped's influences are the classical composers Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, and Camille Saint-Saens. "The thing about classical music is there is so much emotion throughout a whole piece," said D.veloped. He enjoys classical music also because he believes that anything is possible because of the instruments' and the music's ability to be able to be "mastered." Some of his favorite and more modern artists are Crystal Castles, A. Skillz, Pretty Lights, Glitch Mob, Johnny Cash, Billy Idol, Iron Maiden, KRS-One, and Outkast. D.veloped said that just get's the list started.

In the future, D.veloped hopes to produce and incorporate more original sounds into his mixes. He said he hopes to be working on music full-time in the upcoming months.

He wants his fans to know: "You guys are f****** awesome. I never expected people to enjoy my music as much as I do. Overwhelmingly badass response over the past year."

Hit him up on his: facebook, Twitter, or his soundcloud

Article by Rebekah Frye of Beyond Good Vibes.
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